Health & Wellness COACHING + Physical Therapy
Work with Dr. Choephel, DPT
1:1 Health Coaching
In-person and virtual care for ALL your health needs
· Build Bones - Osteporosis 6 month program
· Knee OA - 6 month program
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy personalized to your needs
· neck/back pain
· ankle/knee pain
· vertigo/dizziness (vestibular care)
· and more
Recovery Sessions
30-60 minute recovery sessions to reduce stiffness and aches
· stretch therapy
· dry needling
· spinal manipulation
Here to guide you to your best healthy self!
With over 5 years of experience working in health care & 7 years of schooling, I am committed to helping my patients/clients reach their health & wellness goals! I truly believe in a more holistic approach to care that helps to OPTIMIZE Nutrition, Exercise, & Sleep (+ Stress management).
Doctor of physical therapy
It’s no secret that our health care system is failing us. That’s where the value of a health coach comes in! Health coaches provide you with ENCOURAGEMENT, EMPOWERMENT, & ACCOUNTABILITY!